SERCOM and GRIMME install 100th computer in Scandinavia
Earlier this year, GRIMME, our partner in Denmark, installed the 100th Sercom climate computer in Scandinavia. This system has been delivered to Baggesvogn Gods, a major producer of potatoes. The climate computer is used for storage cells with a capacity of 250 tons of potatoes.
Arjen Baars, the man at GRIMME who is responsible for all activities of SERCOM in Scandinavia, also had something else to celebrate. GRIMME existed 100 years in June. Jan-Willem Lut, director of SERCOM, was present at this anniversary to congratulate them personally and to underline the collaboration once again.
With the impressive number of 100 computers sold within a mere five and a half years, Scandinavia is one of the most successful areas in agriculture in which SERCOM is active.